PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) as the Lead Holding of BUMN Jasa Survei “IDSurvey” has been appointed to conduct surveys and statutory certification on Indonesian-flagged vessels. This is in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Transportation (Menhub) KP No. 249 of 2018 and has been changed to KM 112 of 2021.
The Directorate General of Sea Transportation carried out an Oversight at the Head Office of PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) which was held at Graha BKI Jakarta, on October 18, 2023. This implementation is a form of follow-up to the Oversight that has been carried out at the BKI Pratama Class Belawan Branch Office and the BKI Pratama Class Sorong Branch Office on October 11-13, 2023.
This event was attended directly by the Director of Shipping and Maritime Affairs of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Ministry of Transportation, Dr. Hartanto, M.H., M.Mar.E. and the Director of Finance, Administration & IDSurvey Risk Management, Sinung Triwulandari.
“On this occasion, BKI remains committed to consistently carrying out various accelerations in every line in carrying out this mandate, we will also continue to support the government's maritime program. Of course, support from the Ministry of Transportation to BKI as the National Classification Agency which is mandated to carry out surveys and statutory certification on Indonesian-flagged vessels is still needed to encourage global shipping”, said Sinung Triwulandari.
“Thank you for your commitment and dedication to BKI which has provided good performance, of course we will also be happy to collaborate with BKI so that BKI's position on the international stage can be achieved,” said Dr. Hartanto
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