Arisudono Soerono - President Director

Arisudono Soerono serves as the President Director of PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) and leads the holding of Testing Inspection and Certification SOEs based on the Decree of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) SK-288/MBU/12/2022 dated December 13, 2022.

He graduated from Bandung Institute of Technology in 1988 with a degree in Chemical Engineering and received his Master in Business Administration at London Business School in 2000. Despite having a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering, his career throughout his journey encompasses numerous industries specializing in the financial and management fields.

He began his career as a Management Associate at Citibank. He followed that by working in Accenture in Jakarta and Seoul, and as an investment banker in Credit Suisse First Boston in London. Upon returning back to Indonesia, he joined a transportation and logistic company before becoming the Chief Financial Officer of Blue Bird. He then joined Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (IIF) as the CFO before being appointed as its President Director. Following that, he moved to the power sector as the CFO of Paiton Energy and Managing Director / Country Head of Vena Energy before re-joining the State-Owned Enterprise field by becoming the CEO of the State's Asset Management Company or PT Perusahaan Pengelola Aset. Afterwards, he was then appointed as the President Director of Danareksa, which served as the holding company for PPA and 15 other enterprises, before finally appointed to lead IDSurvey.


Rozainbahri Noor - Director of Resource Development

Rozainbahri Noor was born in Jakarta, 22 September 1983. He graduated from a diploma program at KKI College of Victoria (Australia International Academy), then took a strata program at Swinburne Academy, and then a master's program at the Australian National University. Prior to serving as Director of Resources and Business Development of PT SUCOFINDO (Persero), his career began at PT. Shell Indonesia, as HR Analyst, HR Policy Benefit, ER/IR, and Processed Lead, Pay Policy & Benchmarking (Asia Pacific), and lastly as Country HR Manager. During that time he has received three awards, given by the Royal Dutch Shell EVP HR Award. Served as Director of BKI Resources Development based on the Decree of the Minister of SOE number: SK-226/MBU/06/2021 dated July 2, 2021.


R Benny Susanto - Director of Operation

Rochmat Benny Susanto was born in Jakarta on December 7, 1966. He graduated from Trisakti University with a bachelor's degree in petroleum engineering and began his career at PT Surveyor Indonesia. He has held several positions at PT Surveyor Indonesia, including as Head of the Palembang Branch (2010–2012), Head of the Business Unit for Safety Certification Systems and General Services (2013–2015), Head of the Oil and Gas Division and Generating Systems (2016–2020), Head of Sector Oil and Gas and Power Systems (2018–2020), and Leader of KSO VPTI SCISI (2020–2021). Rochmat Benny Susanto previously held the position of Senior Vice President of Operations at PT Surveyor Indonesia before being appointed as the Director of Operations at PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) based on the decision of the Minister of BUMN as GMS No. SK-234/MBU/10/2022 dated October 21, 2022.


Sinung Triwulandari - Director of Finance, Aministration and Risk Mangement

Born in Semarang on March 23, 1971, Sinung Triwulandari graduated from the Muhammadiyah University majoring in Electrical and completed his Masters in Informatics at the University of Abertay Dundee, England. Started his career at PT PLN (Persero) since 1994 and has held several positions including as Deputy Manager of the Commercial Sub-Sector (2010-2011), Kotabumi Branch Manager (2011-2013), Metro Area Manager (2012-2013), Director of Operations at PT Haleyora Power (2018-2022), to President Director of PT Haleyora Power (2022-2023). Currently Sinung Triwulandari was appointed as the Director of Finance, Administration and Risk Management of PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) based on the decision of the Minister of BUMN as GMS No: SK-177/MBU/07/2023 dated 4 July 2023.


​​​​​​​Andry Tanudjaja - Director of Institutional Relations

Andry Tanudjaja was born in Jakarta on June 8 1971. His career path began as Vice President Marketing at PT Recapital/Rifan Financindo Berjangka (2003-2005), Vice President MF Global Pte Ltd, Singapore (2005-2008), Commissioner at PT Buana Megah Abadi Asset Management (2010-2021) Commissioner at PT Finenz Indonesia (2009-2021), President Director of PT Dhanadhipa Karya Adhika (2019-2021), Commissioner of PT BGR Logistik Indonesia (2021 -2023) and Commercial and Development Director of PT Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia (Persero) (2021-2023). Through the decision of the Minister of BUMN as RUPS No: SK-177/MBU/07/2023 dated 4 July 2023, Andry Tanudjaja was appointed as Director of Institutional Relations of PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero).