The transfer of harmful aquatic organisms in ballast water which carried by ships from one place to another has had an impact on the appearance of the new species which will be a major threat for the marine ecosystems. It will be impacted on imbalance of marine ecosystems and adversely effect on the growth of marine species in the areas. Ballast Water Management Convention (BWM Convention) will enter into force on 8 September 2017, the Convention provides regulations on how to manage ship’s ballast water.
Furthermore, all ships in international traffic shall manage their ballast water and sediments in accordance with requirement of the Convention. The aims is to prevent the spread of harmful aquatic organism from one region to another, by establishing standards and procedures for the management and control of ship’s ballast water and sediments.
Implementation BWMTS
According to the report of IMO meeting MEPC 71 on 03 -07 July 2017 where schedule on the implementation BWM Convention for installations Ballast Water Management Treatment System (BWMTS) implemented in accordance with the following provisions:

- For new ships the keels of which are laid on or after 08 September 2017 shall install BWMTS on the ships delivery.
- For existing ships the installations of BWMTS shall be conducted on renewal survey of IOPP :
- The first renewal IOPP after date of implementation BWM Convention, if:
- Due date survey on or after 08 September 2019, or
- The survey conducted on or after 08 September 2014, but before 08 September 2017.
- The second renewal surveys after the date of implementation BWM Convention, if the date of first renewal survey conducted before 08 September 2019 and take note requirement in paragraph 1(b) above are not met
- The first renewal IOPP after date of implementation BWM Convention, if:
In the provisions of the application of the International BWM Convention on 08 September 2017. BKI may provide services by:
- Assistance of establishing BWM Plan;
- Certification of International Ballast Water Management/Compliance Statement (based on authorized authorization given to BKI).