BKI grants excellent service for classification activities by creating several smart applications. Dewaruci, Green Padma, BKI iSee, UT report, and BKI rules compilations softwares are the solutions in this digital era. The applications are continuously developed to serve our best for customers.
BKI is an android based application that established to help field surveyor and document reviwer to access technical information relating to ship register, survey status, audit data, damage statistic, vendor list, BKI rules and regulation as well as complemented with calcuation tool for load line, machinery and structure
Green Padma is an application which integrated with Dewaruci. This tool was built to calculate Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) stage 1 (preliminary verification) for either new ship or major conversion. the background is refering to resolution MPEC 245(66) 2014 - Guidelines on the Mehod of Calculation of the Attained Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for New Ships. The goal is to help verifier to check EEDI technical file provided by owner or shipyard which come from experiment result